Saturday, December 17, 2011


Arielle: "I want one of those pretty, white light up deer for the front yard."

Rick: "I don't think so."

Arielle: "Not this year, just one day. Look - our neighbors have one!"

Rick: "So what's the difference? Pretend that it's ours."


Sunday, November 13, 2011


Arielle and Rick are making homemade fried chicken together in the kitchen. (That was the first mistake.)
Arielle has been giving instructions, explaining a plethora of information. She has been talking for probably 5 minutes straight.

Rick asks what to do next.

Arielle: "I already told you. Twice. Do you remember?"

Rick: "I'm trying not to pay attention."


Sunday, November 6, 2011


Rick: "Are you coming to bed?"

Arielle: "Rick, it's 7:57."

Rick: "Oh come on, it's 8:00."

Arielle: "Okay, it's 8:00. Do I look like I'm 5 years old?"

Rick: "Yes."


Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's the first day of school in the neighborhood of Arielle and Rick. There is a school bus at the curb and lots of little children are piling in. Parents are snapping photos.

Arielle and Rick are driving by in their car, on their way to work.
Arielle (cheerfully): "Aw look! The parents are taking pictures of the really little ones. It's probably their first day of school EVER. They're embarking on their long journey of education!"

Rick: "Their long journey of INDOCTRINATION."


Friday, August 26, 2011


Arielle: "I just want a curly, pretty, short haircut."

Rick (with raised eyebrows): "There is no such thing."


Saturday, August 13, 2011


Arielle and Rick are on their way to Wegmans on Saturday morning. Rick is being an ass.

Arielle: "Maybe you'll like me better once I've had my coffee."

Rick: "Maybe I'll like you less."


Friday, August 5, 2011


Rick is driving to the grocery store on a Saturday morning. Arielle is in the passenger's seat.

Arielle is talking, complaining about something.

Rick (cutting her off): "Do me a favor - don't talk until you buy yourself a coffee."
