Friday, July 2, 2010


Preface - Arielle is allergic to multiple fruits and nuts.

Rick: "Can you eat cashews?"

Arielle: "Well, I don't. Since I don't really know if I'm allergic to them."

Rick: "Well, eat one tonight. See if you die."


  1. He´s funny! Did you eat the cashew? I´m guessing not because you´re still here, lol!

  2. hmmmm, nice hubby, lol. stumbled accross your blog whilst browsing, pretty darn funny!!

  3. Sol - I actually did eat the cashew and now do... turns out they're safe for me. Haha. But who knew? Rick was just being an ass, as usual. :)(I do have an epipen which is a shot I can give myself in case I eat something I'm allergic to.)

    ArtformTheHeart - He actually is a nice hubby, just has a streak of ass in him. And he comes up with some hilarious one liners sometimes. Glad you find the blog funny! There will ALWAYS be more to come!


How many laughs?